If you are interested in booking a visit, please check out the following Information to share with your coordinator.
They were fascinated by how you draw art right in front of them! And your research about sharks! I was surprised how much 4's and 5's can get out of your presentation! I had no idea how much of the book author and illustrator visit would impact children.
Emi Nakajima, Coordinator for Healthy Starts Author/Illustrator visit
You have a way to connect with kids. We appreciate you inspiring the young minds. Our experience was uplifting. I hope my little writers will enjoy writing even more.
Lily Wagoner, First Grade Teacher and School Visit Coordinator, Darby Woods Elementary
Her program was well prepared, interactive, engaging and kept even our wiggliest kids in their seats. As a librarian wanting to share the magic of reading with a diverse group of children, I'm delighted by Tracy's commitment to representing diverse characters in her artwork… [The students’] resulting enthusiasm for books is my motivation for bringing in guest artists and I certainly hope we will get Tracy to come back again!
Quinn Sanford, School Library Media Specialist, Abernethy Elementary, PPS
Book a school visit or appearance
One of the best parts of being a storyteller is meeting other readers! I love sharing more about my process and introducing ways anyone can also tell their own stories. I love to interact and connect with the audience, and particularly love to lead workshops.
Now booking 2024 Winter - Spring
Booking Contact Form
Here's a handy dandy form to inquire about a visit!